Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Kuroshitsuji - Roxanne

I made a second Kuroshitsuji AMV dedicated to Rika (http://candydoesnthave.blogspot.com/) ♥

On my youtube account I have my first member, I'm really glad!! *^*
All comments and cristicism are greatly appreciaed!

More AMVs are coming soon! 

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Kuroshitsuji AMV

This is my first post. So, welcome to all! 
I decided to write on this blog mostly for show my AMVs (and other stuff!) ^^
I was listening "Whispers in the dark" by Skillet and I got the idea of this Kuroshitsuji AMV,
I know it's not so good but I want to dedicate this first work to my darling Rika. <3
Here is her blog http://candydoesnthave.blogspot.it/ , it's really nice! ^^

Here is the AMV, I hope you like it and to improve soon to make best AMVs!
Comments are welcome!
(sorry for my english)